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I suppose the point of this is to try to keep track of the creative process. If you're reading this then the chances are you know I've written three major things: "Them and Me" and "Have You Ever Been To Vegas?", both of which Yarm School loved, and "Paradise" (also know as "Robin and the Gimp") which the BBC, apparently, didn't. Bastards.

Anyway, after a year's break, I'm going to have a go at writing another stage play, which is apparently what I'm good at - I'll be avoiding radio drama for a while. It's going to be called "Nothing On In Basra Tonight", and it's not going to be a musical. Sorry to disappoint all of you who think I should stick to writing songs. There might be songs in it, but they won't dominate.

Don't worry though, it will have jokes. I might even reintroduce Wile E. Coyote. Just for old times' sake.

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