Spent most of today redesigning the website for Telf's 'Personal Statements' book. Now that the campaigns in the Times and Telegraph are over most of our publicity is going is going to come from online sources, notably the Adwords campaign I kicked off this morning. So the website has to work harder at converting clicks into sales. The old site was frankly a bit shit, but then I did put it together in about an hour. The new one, I'm sure you'll agree, is much funkier. It's got a picture of a girl and everything. If you read this five minutes after I've posted, the new version probably isn't up yet - you can see it here.

As I'm not really a visual kind of guy I found myself on James Archer's fantastic site The Return of Design. There are plenty of cool articles and resources there - including a colour scheme picker which is great for idiots like me who have no sense of colour whatsoever. Telf's site has been tastefully redesigned in a scheme called Firewhite, which, though I say so myself, looks jolly nice.

The one arsey thing about the whole business was the fonts. I'm a bit pissed off with Verdana. I really, really wanted to use Eurostile. However, subsection (3) paragraph xviii of Sod's Law states that if I did use it then the site would only ever be visited by people who didn't have it installed. Loading it up as first choice with Verdana & co as choice two would be a pain in the arse, as it's got a relatively small aspect value. (Dave: that means the second choice fonts would look fucking terrible; I'm not sure if I can express that in a less technical way, I'm afraid). In the end I went for Trebuchet MS, which is the font you're reading now, if you've got it installed. If you haven't got Trebuchet MS installed then you're a troll living in a cave halfway up a mountain in Finland. Anteeksi, en puhu suomea.

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