When I changed my phone recently I forgot to move a load of numbers over from the memory of the old one. So when it rang the other day, I didn't realise who it was straight away. To appreciate the full glory of this conversation, you need to be able to imagine a strong Middlesbrough accent.
Me: Hi, Bill Hilton -
Him: 'ELLO.
Me: Um, hi - who's this?
Him: Whadderyer mean, 'oo is it? It's ME.
Me: Oh, all right Ben. Well done on the A levels. I was thinking that...
Him: Ta. Now listen you. I'm not gonna to do PE anymore at Leeds.
Me: No?
Him: No. It's no good. I'm right, aren't I? PE's no good.
Me: Well...
Him: Right. No good. So I've decided, like, I'm gonna do - wait for it. Are yer ready?
Me: I'm ready.
Him: LAW. I'm gonna be a fockin' lawyer.
Me: [without hesitation] I'd hire you.
Him: SOUND. So when the fock do I start getting paid, like?
(Ben Needham is the only person I know who can talk in italics.)
Published by Earthman
on Sunday, September 04, 2005 at 7:59 PM. Me: Hi, Bill Hilton -
Him: 'ELLO.
Me: Um, hi - who's this?
Him: Whadderyer mean, 'oo is it? It's ME.
Me: Oh, all right Ben. Well done on the A levels. I was thinking that...
Him: Ta. Now listen you. I'm not gonna to do PE anymore at Leeds.
Me: No?
Him: No. It's no good. I'm right, aren't I? PE's no good.
Me: Well...
Him: Right. No good. So I've decided, like, I'm gonna do - wait for it. Are yer ready?
Me: I'm ready.
Him: LAW. I'm gonna be a fockin' lawyer.
Me: [without hesitation] I'd hire you.
Him: SOUND. So when the fock do I start getting paid, like?
(Ben Needham is the only person I know who can talk in italics.)

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