As you will have noticed, if you are cut from a wise and perceptive cloth, there have been some changes made.

First, a new URL. I was getting a bit lary about too many clients stumbling upon the blog in its current location and forming an accurate impression of what sort of person I am. So I've moved it here, out of harm's way. I can say what I want, when I want to without fear of reprisal. And, before you ask, yes I am using an offshore server. No nasty British libel laws for me, no thanks very much.

Second, a redesign. Template by the fantastic Douglas Bowman, just like old one was - comments welcome.

Third, a new name. Although was available I decided it was kind of unmemorable, vulnerable to typing errors and a bit long. sums up the brand (yes, yes, I know) and at the same time is easy to spell and remember in a straightforward, no-nonsense Anglo-Saxon kind of way.

I'm thinking about taking on some advertising, too. Right now I'm busy doing tweaks and fixes. Everything from the blogroll to feeds (RSS and Atom) should be back to normal soon.

1 Responses to “Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    If you don;t want your clients to find this place then perhaps leaving a link to it on your "offical" blog could be seen as a mistake?  

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