Did very little today, except watch the sixth form girls' netball match in the afternoon at the invitation of the team captain. Much against my will, obviously. I was dimly aware that, unlike basketball, there is supposed to be "no bouncing" in netball. Funny, that, as I found myself noticing rather a lot...

Tomorrow there will be no post, as I'm off to Nottingham on a Theatre Studies course. This finishes at 12.15, so I'm going to spend the afternoon in that wonderful city, one of my favourites - then off to see Alex and Bonnie in Grantham at teatime.

Oh, probably no post on Friday, either, unless I write it very late at night: it's the Aidan/Bede disco, so everyone's favourite slacker/housemaster will be regulating the volume and scouring the bushes for covert smokers and shaggers.

Have fun while I'm away, won't you?

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