I'm doing that crazy playing with time thing again, I'm afraid, writing entries several days after their 'official' timestamp. It would be a lot more fun if I had a nice police box and Billie Piper to assist me, but still. To make things just a bit clearer, I've drawn up a code of temporal ethics for bloggers everywhere:

1. Writing seven posts on a single day and then simply backposting them so it looks like you've updated every single day for a week is NAUGHTY.

2. Writing a post about something that occured to you on Wednesday on Friday and then dating it as Wednesday is FINE, as it places your thoughts in a legitimate time frame that, if anything, eases reader comprehension.

3. Reversing the spin of the Earth or making use of an Infinite Improbability Drive in order to turn back time is DEFINITELY OUT OF ORDER.

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