[Classical compilation CDs] are the work of the Devil and, in league with him though you are in so many ways, you must not endorse such philistine innovations!!

You must recant!!!

I should point out that in this extract from Dave's email about my classical music post (Chanson de Matin, below) some of the exclamation marks are editorial. Dave's seven years in George Thompson's English lessons were spent learning about such matters of life and death as how to do the Times crossword, mix gin and pick up boys in Moroccan souks. Spelling, punctuation and grammar were neglected, as George knew they weren't worth the bother of teaching to any student who wasn't bright enough to pick them up for himself. This has left Dave charmingly paranoid about his written English, so he would never, ever use multiple exclamation marks. In this case, I think, the multiplicity is justified in order to recreate the swivel-eyed, slavering rage I seem to have provoked in him.

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