Those of you who know me well will be familiar with my quest to discover new ways of working - specifically, ways of working that involve exerting minimum effort in maximum comfort for the largest pile of money I can get my hands on.

I heroically push these boundaries every day of my life, but today I feel I've made a particular breakthrough. I'm in Boston, keeping an eye on Ma and Pa Earthman while the former is in hospital. I was getting a bit sick of a 56k dialup connection and my dad talking about what we should have for next Thursday lunch while I tried to work. So I spent some time researching WiFi, which I thought would probably cost a bomb but was worth it if it would get me out the house.

You can imagine my delight when I found out that as an existing BT Broadband customer I can get 400+ minutes of WiFi time a month for just a fiver plus VAT.

The result of that discovery is that I'm now sat on a leather sofa in The Prospect, overlooking the Witham in Boston, drinking rather good coffee and enjoying the benefits of super highspeed connectivity that's about twice as fast as my business broadband. I'm aware that this makes me something of a Buddy Holly specs/skinny latte/Seattle-escapee/smug bastard cliché, but frankly I don't give a flying fuck. Another muffin please, bar person.

1 Responses to “Towards a new work ethic”

  1. # Blogger Unknown

    I like your "cut to the chase" writing style. You're in the fast lane with WiFi. Enjoy.


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