Regular readers of this blog will know that I'm a big fan of Germans. Serious. No irony. I love their cute little teutonic quirks, and the way they so badly want to be like us and get so very close, but never quite make it - often with hilarious results. Regulars will also know that I'm a big fan of the German sense of humour, and I just love collecting examples.

Here's a great one. If you can't be arsed to read the whole piece, it's about a film that's been made in Berlin and the fact that lots of people are quite taken aback by all the swastika banners and SS uniforms to be seen on the streets of the city as filming takes place. The bit I love is at the end:
“I think it’s really tasteless, especially as it’s happening next to the cathedral,” said Gabi Metzler, from Bavaria, standing on the church steps to get a better view.

“It’s our first visit to Berlin,” said her friend, Gertrude. “Things seem to have changed much less than we had expected.”
God, they crack me up.

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