As I haven't been around for a while, I ought to update you on what's been going on in the Earthman life.
1. The Münsterländer is much the same as ever, only perhaps slightly hungrier.
2. I've just bought a Tanglewood TW45, just about the sexiest guitar I've ever played.
3. I've been commissioned to write a book. How unbe-fucking-lievable is that? If that wasn't weird enough, there's talk of another one in the pipeline.
4. Contrary to all predictions and expectations (not least my own) my business is actually doing rather well.
5. I've put on a stone. At least. I'm such a fat bastard now it's ridiculous.
6. Niall is doing fine, though now I've moved I don't see him quite as much. Oh, he nearly got arrested for indecent exposure the other week. Still, could be worse.
7. I'm halfway through my MA. Milton still rocks.
8. I barely drive at all, at least on a daily basis.
9. People seek my advice about business and marketing like I know what I'm talking about.
10. I've taken to waking up in the middle of the night and playing Soduko on my phone. That's what you get for getting older.
Published by Earthman
on Friday, May 25, 2007 at 9:48 AM. 1. The Münsterländer is much the same as ever, only perhaps slightly hungrier.
2. I've just bought a Tanglewood TW45, just about the sexiest guitar I've ever played.
3. I've been commissioned to write a book. How unbe-fucking-lievable is that? If that wasn't weird enough, there's talk of another one in the pipeline.
4. Contrary to all predictions and expectations (not least my own) my business is actually doing rather well.
5. I've put on a stone. At least. I'm such a fat bastard now it's ridiculous.
6. Niall is doing fine, though now I've moved I don't see him quite as much. Oh, he nearly got arrested for indecent exposure the other week. Still, could be worse.
7. I'm halfway through my MA. Milton still rocks.
8. I barely drive at all, at least on a daily basis.
9. People seek my advice about business and marketing like I know what I'm talking about.
10. I've taken to waking up in the middle of the night and playing Soduko on my phone. That's what you get for getting older.
Labels: book, Earthman, Münsterländer

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