It's time to run away and hide your wallets, because the Earthman is raising money.
No, no - it's not for me. It's for the The Brights, one of the world's top secularist organisations. The Brights was only formed a year or so ago, but it has thousands of members worldwide and has been endorsed in the UK by the British Humanist Association and the National Secular Society.
Brights believe that the universe is not governed or affected by any supernatural power or deity, and that it's wrong to live our lives as if it is. The Brights' membership roster ranges from hardline God-bashers like St. Richard Dawkins through to moderate Christians - i.e., the ones who believe in the human and social teachings of Jesus Christ, or in Christ as metaphor, or even in a universe created by a non-interventionist God, but who don't accept all the bollocks about God being a biscuit, biscuits saving us from sin and all the rest. I've been told that Sufi Muslims find it easy to be Brights, though apparently beardy-weirdy Osama-alikes find the concept rather more of a challenge to their worldview.
Anyway, if you don't believe in fairies (or biscuits) and you think that belief in fairies (or biscuits1) has caused far too much trouble in the world already, head over to and join up. The guys are on a fundraiser at the moment, and if you can spare twenty quid it will be gratefully received.
1. No matter how many times I consider this, I just can't get over it: Roman Catholics and papally-inclined Anglicans literally believe that a biscuit turns into God during the Eucharist. This belief in the apparent divinity of Hob Nobs would be quaint and charming if the defence of it hadn't caused centuries of death and suffering. What I want to know is this: if the biscuits aren't eaten during the Eucharist, do they keep their Jesusly power, or does it wear off? If the vicar takes one home and feeds it to his münsterländer, is Jesus transfigured into a big pile of steaming poo on the vicarage lawn? Does the münsterländer's digestive tract become consecrated ground? In short, what the fuck is going on?
tags: The Brights, God, Jesus, biscuits, transubstantiation, holy communion, bollocks
Published by Earthman
on Saturday, September 23, 2006 at 2:19 PM.
No, no - it's not for me. It's for the The Brights, one of the world's top secularist organisations. The Brights was only formed a year or so ago, but it has thousands of members worldwide and has been endorsed in the UK by the British Humanist Association and the National Secular Society.
Brights believe that the universe is not governed or affected by any supernatural power or deity, and that it's wrong to live our lives as if it is. The Brights' membership roster ranges from hardline God-bashers like St. Richard Dawkins through to moderate Christians - i.e., the ones who believe in the human and social teachings of Jesus Christ, or in Christ as metaphor, or even in a universe created by a non-interventionist God, but who don't accept all the bollocks about God being a biscuit, biscuits saving us from sin and all the rest. I've been told that Sufi Muslims find it easy to be Brights, though apparently beardy-weirdy Osama-alikes find the concept rather more of a challenge to their worldview.
Anyway, if you don't believe in fairies (or biscuits) and you think that belief in fairies (or biscuits1) has caused far too much trouble in the world already, head over to and join up. The guys are on a fundraiser at the moment, and if you can spare twenty quid it will be gratefully received.
1. No matter how many times I consider this, I just can't get over it: Roman Catholics and papally-inclined Anglicans literally believe that a biscuit turns into God during the Eucharist. This belief in the apparent divinity of Hob Nobs would be quaint and charming if the defence of it hadn't caused centuries of death and suffering. What I want to know is this: if the biscuits aren't eaten during the Eucharist, do they keep their Jesusly power, or does it wear off? If the vicar takes one home and feeds it to his münsterländer, is Jesus transfigured into a big pile of steaming poo on the vicarage lawn? Does the münsterländer's digestive tract become consecrated ground? In short, what the fuck is going on?
tags: The Brights, God, Jesus, biscuits, transubstantiation, holy communion, bollocks
Thanks for visiting my blog and don't forget to bin the Kleeneze catologue; you have to be cruel to be kind.
(BTW. You seem to have forgotten to close the tag that made the type small for your footnote.)
Well, I think Hob Nobs are divine.
(Okay, maybe not -- but they are pretty good. Seraphic, perhaps, as opposed to actually deific.)
Oddly enough, I've just been having another Hob Nob conversation (a Hob Nob hob nob, you might call it). Apparently they're chock full of hydrogenated fat, so it seems they're of the devil's party after all.
That, or maybe Jesus is high in cholesterol.