A busy couple of days.

Thursday morning was boring (meeting, least said better); Thursday afternoon fun (in Nottingham, nearly got killed shooting red light, in Grantham seeing Auntie Vera, then Alex and Bon. Not seen the latter in six or seven years).

Yesterday was the Aidan/Bede disco. The usual stuff: adolescent testosterone tsunami meets equally adolescent dressed-up jailbait - and, yes, the windows steamed up. I had long conversations with mad-but-lovely HM's wife Fiona, and with the slighly less mad but at least equally nice Christina Les.

Today I've done bot-all apart from play Civilization III, take a few disco lights back to the hire shop and go into Darlington to buy John Humphreys' new book, "Lost For Words". Sort of polemic thingy about the state of the language. Lovely man, lovely writer, but very angry. John, calm down.

Anyway, the lamb and roasties are in the oven, and I've just done the mix for blueberry clafoutis (three quid for 150g of bleeding blueberries! What did M&S do? Sythesise them individually in agar jelly from a computerised record of their DNA?).

You'll notice that I've done next to nothing on the play for 72 hours. Shit.

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