A big shout out (as you crazy kids say) to Murtaza. He phoned a few hours ago to say hello and talk about the blog.

One of his queries was, am I going to actually post the text of the play? To which the answer is, let me write the damn thing first. Seriously, though, I have been thinking about this, and I think the answer is that I won't; at least not in its entirety. I might post some bits for your comments during the writing process, but I think the completed product is best circulated on paper. Even then, you might find me very careful. My experience has been that showing drafts to friends can be a problem. Each friend gives you an opinion that is different from all the others. So I tend to keep my own counsel.

I'm going to do some more work on the thing tonight, after I've walked the dog. Nothing much happened today except the jazz band played in assembly ("Fever", in the sports hall - poor acoustics), I had a stand up row with Ed Pinkney in the U6, and there was a fifth form parents' evening. In the words of Michael Stipe, oh, life.

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