1. Maisie and the road nearly parted company on the drive into Yarm. Bit icy, I thought.

2. I marked the 2nd form exam while we watched John Gielgud, Richard Chamberlain and Robert Vaughn in Julius Caesar. Robert Vaughn (Casca) with a beard looks exactly like my old pub boss Frank Parr. Frank, by the way, is the only truly great manager I've ever met, even if he was fond of applying quotations from "Four Quartets" to the business of changing lively barrels of Heineken in the cellar. (The 2nd form moaned that my marking was "random", by the way. True enough, but what right do they have to complain about it?)

3. Theatre Studies in the Catholic Church hall. Told the upper sixth girls that they couldn't go in if they were on the pill. Two things worried me: (i) they *all* (except Jen Taylor) looked startled and asked me if they could "have a word"; (ii) the silly bastards believed it. I blame the teachers.

4. Attended part of the fifth form study day, run by a very hyperactive little man who looked about twelve. Good jokes, though. I particularly enjoyed the Darth Vader one that just doesn't work in writing.

5. Did fuck all for two periods in the afternoon. A great feeling, especially as it means that all my lower sixth reports will be late. Billy 1, paperwork 0. Again. Result.

6. Watched - at their request - Sab, Jen T and Jade do the dance routine they've worked out for Friday's talent show. It was, um, well, er... well, I don't think anyone with a dodgy ticker should watch it. Did you really have to do that with your pelvises, girls?

7. Jazz practice. On Saturday, they made me proud, tonight they made me miserable. Sab and Matt N complained that they were being edged out by the new L6 members. I see their point, and I'm going to do something about it. I'm not sure they saw mine: that if the band is to carry on, we need to train up new members. Am still desperately worried that we won't have a decent singer next year.

8. Left my wallet lying around. It was picked up and locked in the safe. Reclaimed it, then left it lying around again. God knows where it is now.

9. Maisie and the road nearly parted company on the drive home. Still icy, I thought. As well as, why do I never learn?

10. New hall table arrived in the post. Discovered that there is immense satisfaction to be had sitting in a huge cardboard box on the dining room floor, enticing your sceptical munsterlander to join you with the aid of b*scu*ts (have to be careful - she can read that word).

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