The title of this post doesn't refer to Nietzche's masterwork but to Richard Strauss's fanfare of the same name. It is the appropriate piece of music to listen to while visiting the main page. So download it or ferret it out of your CD collection now. Go on.

Such a momentous piece of music is required because my business website has finally been revamped. The old version was frankly a bit crappy, and I'm a lot happier with the way it looks now. There's an expanded portfolio section with in-depth case studies, plus some articles on the free stuff page which are open for free syndication to anyone who's willing to put my link on their page.

The main page is now powered by Blogger, and it's going to be my official, businesslike, sanitised, Yank-friendly public blog. This one, of course, continues in all its scatalogical glory. I've started a separate official blog because lots of the Mid-Westerners and Texans who form my client base are strongly religious and might get offended by the sort of stuff I write on here. You know, about them all being fat, thick and having had their tiny brains washed by a medieval fundamentalism.

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