Whhhff. Harrumppph, rrraa rraaa rraaaaa...... wraf.

Find those sounds familiar? You do? Then you've obviously climbed under your duvet on a very cold night and just got nicely settled when your large munsterlander thinks to herself that actually, yes, bloody hell, it is rather cold, isn't it? And decides that rather than sleeping on the bed she's going to right in there with you. This is the noise she makes when she acts on this decision.

If you know your munsterlander well, you will realise that this is the end of any chance you had of a decent night's sleep. True to her German genes, she will not be content with merely getting into the bed. Instead she will have to stretch herself out and occupy the whole damn thing, rolling herself up in the duvet so that you don't get any of it. You'd might as well go downstairs, put on some warm clothing and write bitter posts for your blog.


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