Been out with Niall, playing pool. The boy is not in a good state. All his banks mislaid their Ethical Lending policies while they were getting him up to his neck in debt. Now they've found their Let's Screw Over The Mentally Ill policies and are pestering him round the clock for repayments.

Even The Co-operative Bank has joined in. Look at their website. I mean - just look at it. All the sickening "oooh, we're so nice and so cuddly, we love poor people, we'd never hurt anyone we're so lovely" copy on their sanctimonious bloody ethics pages isn't worth a brass farthing. They saw Niall coming like all the others did. Anyone who meets Niall realises he's not quite like other people, and perhaps has a few problems. Did they investigate? Of course they didn't. Here you go, Niall, they said. Here's a load more dosh to blow. And now they're on his back just like all the others.

So he's sunk into depression and spends most of his days in bed. He's still going to work three days a week, doing his poverty trap-limited hours. That's something. But, nonetheless, we had a good game of pool and a couple of beers, which at least cheered him up a bit. He's getting better at pool, too. Bloody nailed me on an eight ball twice tonight.

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