Many thanks to all those who have been hounding me about not updating for a whole month. It's been a busy one, I've got lots of interesting stuff to write about (well, I think it's interesting) and I'll get back to detailed posting soon.

I've seen a lot of la Beastcroft over the past week. We played a gig at Emardi's in Yarm last Thursday and she was round here yesterday being my secretary for the day. Got tons of stuff done. I thought she'd be dead slack - what really happened is that she spent the whole day bullying me to work harder. For everyone who got their kicks from Savage Heart we're going to record a new album in the summer. Me on piano, her singing, and That Matt Dixon playing bass, guitar, drums, triangle, didgeridoo and making the tea. He doesn't know this yet, unless she's told him.

Righty-ho, I'm going to have to do some work now. I'm scared the Beast will berate me if she finds out I'm behind schedule. I'll post more over the weekend. Until then, enjoy a little light music, or go to Geoffrey Chaucer Hath A Blog and laugh your pants off.

Cest conseil avreit eu success, si non pur l’interference de voz jeuenez meddleurs!

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