As if life isn't bloody busy enough, I've just found out that a bunch of liberal fascists1 are trying to close down my old school, Boston Grammar. They're proposing that it be merged with Boston High School, with 450 years of tradition to be washed down the pan by some smug wanker with a shiny suit and a 2:2 in Social Science from the University of Dagenham.

The most annoying thing is that one of the main arguments for closure presented by the goons of CfBT, the shady "charity" that's pushing the deal, is that the Polish and Portuguese immigrants who are coming into Boston to work on the land are likely to have "low ability" and "low aspirational" children. They make this frankly racist assertion quite plainly in the materials they've used to promote the merger (I have copies), to the extent of quoting it as a statistical fact when there seems to be no research to back it up at all. If anything, the guys who are coming over - the Poles especially - are often very educated, and have big ambitions for their kids. Many of them are graduates who can make more money pulling tates here than working in management or the professions back home.

The moral: never trust do-gooders with big ideas. Some of them are all right, but you have to watch the bastards.

1. I like to help with the empirical evidence for the truth of Godwin's Law ever now and then.

So what have I been doing during the great blog hiatus? Working, mostly, and also getting intermittent bouts of Repetitive Strain Injury (no, no, not from that - from typing too much). Because of the RSI I've had to really watch the amount of hammering on the keyboard that I do - and because the best way to watch it is to ration it, and because typing is how I pay off the mortgage, the blog had to be cut for a while.

All is, in general, well: the münsterländer still has her umlauts intact; Niall is more or less on the way to being financially sorted out; the house is provisionally sold and I'm spending increasing amounts of time sitting behind my desk and cackling, Monty Burns-like, as my business expands.

Although I haven't been updating this blog very much, I have been working on the ones I get paid to do. I've also been regularly updating my professional blog, which, in case you hadn't noticed, is all about copywriting and the fact that I'm a copywriter who does copywriting in exchange for cash.

God, I love search engine optimisation.

Yes, yes, I know - look, I'm sorry, OK? Things have been busy. Posting starts again from tomorrow.

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