So what have I been doing during the great blog hiatus? Working, mostly, and also getting intermittent bouts of Repetitive Strain Injury (no, no, not from that - from typing too much). Because of the RSI I've had to really watch the amount of hammering on the keyboard that I do - and because the best way to watch it is to ration it, and because typing is how I pay off the mortgage, the blog had to be cut for a while.

All is, in general, well: the münsterländer still has her umlauts intact; Niall is more or less on the way to being financially sorted out; the house is provisionally sold and I'm spending increasing amounts of time sitting behind my desk and cackling, Monty Burns-like, as my business expands.

Although I haven't been updating this blog very much, I have been working on the ones I get paid to do. I've also been regularly updating my professional blog, which, in case you hadn't noticed, is all about copywriting and the fact that I'm a copywriter who does copywriting in exchange for cash.

God, I love search engine optimisation.

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