As if life isn't bloody busy enough, I've just found out that a bunch of liberal fascists1 are trying to close down my old school, Boston Grammar. They're proposing that it be merged with Boston High School, with 450 years of tradition to be washed down the pan by some smug wanker with a shiny suit and a 2:2 in Social Science from the University of Dagenham.

The most annoying thing is that one of the main arguments for closure presented by the goons of CfBT, the shady "charity" that's pushing the deal, is that the Polish and Portuguese immigrants who are coming into Boston to work on the land are likely to have "low ability" and "low aspirational" children. They make this frankly racist assertion quite plainly in the materials they've used to promote the merger (I have copies), to the extent of quoting it as a statistical fact when there seems to be no research to back it up at all. If anything, the guys who are coming over - the Poles especially - are often very educated, and have big ambitions for their kids. Many of them are graduates who can make more money pulling tates here than working in management or the professions back home.

The moral: never trust do-gooders with big ideas. Some of them are all right, but you have to watch the bastards.

1. I like to help with the empirical evidence for the truth of Godwin's Law ever now and then.

2 Responses to “Floreat Bostona”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

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  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I have it on good authority that CfBT are great friends with the Sultan of Brunei and are very much involved in the totalitarian system of education he runs in support of his family.

    Thoroughly unpleasant people on the whole who are notorious for paying the lowest wages in London. In short what they are doing is taking Government tax money given to them per head of staff and siphoning of into their international work. This includes an Indian educational charity which will help produce economic competitors for our children.

    Their next trick is to set up a city Academy in Merton in alliance with the CofE but against the wishes of the local people.  

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