Check out the new blog I'm working on, and actually getting paid for. The nice people at Spamcube have hired me to write Fishing In The Spam Can, a daily look at spam mails, as a way of promoting their rather flash new product

Best of all, they've put no restrictions on what I can write about, as long as it's spam-related. I can be as angry, obscene and scatalogical as I like. So every day (well, maybe not every day, but you get the idea) I'm going to write a piece about an original, startling or downright amusing or sinister piece of spam. If you get any good ones, send them over to me at

Now let's get stuck into that juicy spam. Mmmm.

1 Responses to “All your Spamcube are belong to us!”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Come on Bill - let's not have another month without a post!!  

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