Hectic few days, as there's been a lot on. Also, I was down at Mum and Dad's fortieth (Golden? Ruby? I keep forgetting) on Sunday. That was fun, and I even got to make a speech.

I've finally got around to getting a broadband connection sorted. That may sound ridiculously stone age, but I've managed to run the business quite happily on dial-up for ages. But I'm getting to the stage where it really would be useful to upload graphics really fast while talking on the phone.

I've gone with BT. Unsurprisingly, in this age of high technology, I have to wait exactly one week for the service to be enabled on my line. Why is this? God knows. I thought about ringing them up, but didn't fancy being stuck on the phone for twenty minutes just for some bored call centre slave to tell me it's because Reg the Broadband Switcher-Onner has run out of black gaffer tape.

Off to think about rebuilding my own website now. Whoo-hoo. I love CSS.

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