Can I draw everyone's attention to the white band in the top right hand corner of the page? All the millions of regular readers of this blog will know that it usually says "Make Poverty History". The graphic is held on the MPH server and they've just changed it, as you can see. I am actually quite annoyed about this - if I'm going to support them, I'd like to be asked before they change the content of my site.

On the upside, the page it links to is quite good fun. There's a little Flash app that lets you design a Make Poverty History Christmas card which will get sent to TB. Unfortunately you're not allowed that much latitude in the design, so you can't send him pictures of boobs, bums, willies or Muslims having their basic human rights violated. Shame. But you do get to write a personalised greeting and ask him for a PS3 when he comes round with his elf (Charles Clarke in some very hardworking green lycra).

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